Recently Updated Pages
How we built a social network on open source technology
Please see the guide here
We are testing the HumHub Tasks module in a few spaces. This allows you to create and manage pro...
Further help
Signing up
If you are new to the site you will create a Transition ID account to ...
Hub - Email contactablility of groups
The has several email functions. For example Contact forms for each group...
Hub - Annual activity checker email & process
As you know keeping group records up to date is a challenge. We have developed an annual 'activit...
Dates for the Diary
25th April, 7-9pm: Practice Circle 1: Introduction, framing and co-developing group agreements 3...
There is a calendar of all public events available in the platform here: https://hub.transition-s...
Getting Help
Platform For issues relating to 'platform' Mattermost, Humhub etc please fill out this form Tra...
Events site background information
Transition Network maintains a event ticketing service for the international support ecosystem to...
Private organising spaces
On Vive we offer groups private organising spaces. By default these are set as Visible as a sp...
If you have linklist enabled in your space you can Add links and comment on links others have...
Apps for mobile
Apps for Android and iOS are under development. The Android app can be installed from the Play st...
Privacy & data protection
Please see the policy here
Calendar export to Google calendar
On the main calendar page in the top right click on the download/export icon. In the Export po...
Deleting account
You can delete your account here
In Humhub posts are organised into 'spaces' these are communities that organise around a particul...
Request a space
If you would like a new space then just ask here
Space hosts
Permissions: Space hosts can configure many of the permissions for their spaces. They can acce...
Your local language can be set here When viewing posts created by users who use a language oth...