Recently Updated Pages
As you arrive on this platform we invite you to: Watch the help videos in our welcome space Cho...
Further help
Hub - Embedding maps on your sites
On this page You will find the code to embed th...
Hub video tour
A quick tour of as a hub user can be found here: Direct link
Hub - Reviewing healthchecks
Groups in your hub area may complete the online Healthcheck When they submit the scores this wil...
Access the settings from the 'settings cog' in the top right corner The official Mattermost no...
Mattermost is organized into teams, serving as digital workspaces where we can collaborate. Each...
Further help
Voice chat
Mattermost currently offers Voice chat. Further information can be found in the official Matt...
Trainer Admin
New trainers submitted to the site are reviewed every six months by the trainer admins. For more ...
Adding a healthcheck
Groups can do a self assessment process on the site called a healthcheck. The submissions are sh...
Hub - Open data
Data submitted to the site, with the exception of personal data is open data https://transitiongr...
Hub data protection agreement
When you sign up as a hub you agree to treat personal data in line with the privacy policy
Hub - API access
There is an API available and several mapping services make use of it. Information can be found ...
Hub - Editing a hub page
Each official hub has a page on the site where you can link to your websites or social media. P...
Hub - Approving a group
As a hub user you are responsible for approving and reviewing the group records in your hub area....
Adding a Trainer
New trainer applications are reviewed every six months
Adding a group
Once you have logged in you can create a new Transition group. Once you click save your hub wi...
Mattermost is accessible on a range of devices. To get started, simply install the Mattermost ap...
Space hosts/ Team admins can create channels within their teams. Channels work in a similar way ...