Chat (Mattermost)
The chat application is called Mattermost.
Mattermost is accessible on a range of devices. To get started, simply install the Mattermost ap...
Messages and threads
Threads are a key part of the messaging experience in Mattermost. They’re used to organize conver...
Space hosts/ Team admins can create channels within their teams. Channels work in a similar way ...
This is a beta feature Please consider potential confusion if naming user groups similarly to ...
Mattermost is organized into teams, serving as digital workspaces where we can collaborate. Each...
Guest users
In any given team 'guests' from outside of the team can be added to specific channels To do this...
Access the settings from the 'settings cog' in the top right corner The official Mattermost no...
Voice chat
Mattermost currently offers Voice chat. Further information can be found in the official Matt...
Space hosts / Team Admins
All space hosts within are automatically assigned the team admin role in...
Further help