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We don’t need to look far to find big challenges facing us now and in the future. Many people can’t rely on the basic things we need for a safe and happy life. Our seas are polluted and nature under threat. Thinking about how to respond to the changing climate, inequality and uncertainty can be overwhelming.

Yet many people have a strong desire to be part of making change and building something better. What If… we could reimagine our future as thriving, fairer, more resilient, more connected? How could that vision help us to move forward and take practical action towards a better future? 

This visioning guide is designed to help groups and communities open up their imagination and start exploring what a better future could look like in their context. It helps to build a shared vision of what’s possible, a vital starting point to exploring how we can work together to make it a reality. 

“What we cannot imagine cannot come into being.” bell hooks