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Ensuring everyone can participate

You want this to be a positive, creative and meaningful experience for everyone who takes part. Thinking ahead also means that you can make sure everyone feels welcome, safe, fully involved and able to participate practically in these sessions. 

unticked Give clear information in advance so people know what to expect

unticked Ask people when signing up if they have any accessibility or other needs to help them take part

unticked Online, advise people to plan ahead, join on a computer or tablet, rather than a phone, with a good, secure internet connection, a working webcam, and somewhere they feel comfortable with minimal distractions. 

unticked Can you offer interpretation if you have many languages in your community? Who could help you do that locally? 

unticked Offer the session free or as ‘pay what you can’ so money is not a barrier to taking part

unticked Whether on or offline, ensure there are plenty of breaks

unticked In person: is your venue accessible by public transport and for a wheelchair user, and a safe, welcoming space for everyone in your community?

unticked In person: offer refreshments to help people feel welcome - ask for dietary requirements and allergies in advance

unticked Online: offer guidance and support with using shared documents and the group call platform you choose. 

unticked Online: use closed captions (and tell participants how to enable them) and make use of chat or slides to share questions or tasks. 

unticked Use name labels in person and ask people to update their name online, and introduce themselves in the chat. 

The following pages have more advice about how to set up and introduce your event well to get off to a great start.