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124 total results found

Messages and threads

Chat (Mattermost)

Threads are a key part of the messaging experience in Mattermost. They’re used to organize conversations and enable users to discuss topics without adding noise to channels or direct messages. Collapsed Reply Threads offers an enhanced experience for users co...

Adding a group

Once you have logged in you can create a new Transition group. Once you click save your hub will be notified that you have submitted it and it is up to them to approve the new group. Once they have approved it it will appear on the website. Transition netw...

Adding a Trainer

New trainer applications are reviewed every six months  

Signing up

If you are new to the site you will create a Transition ID account to access it. If you have an existing account you can still log in with your existing username & password

Hub - Approving a group

As a hub user you are responsible for approving and reviewing the group records in your hub area. Hubs can have as many users as are needed. If you would like to add an additional hub user please open a ticket When a new group is submitted in your area you wi...

Trainer Admin

New trainers submitted to the site are reviewed every six months by the trainer admins. For more information about this process please ask

Adding a healthcheck

Groups can do a self assessment process on the site called a healthcheck. The submissions are shared with the appropriate hub.

Hub - Reviewing healthchecks

Groups in your hub area may complete the online Healthcheck  When they submit the scores this will be forwarded to you by email. You can also view reports of these scores in the dashboard Depending on the results you may identify particular areas where grou...

Hub - Editing a hub page

Each official hub has a page on the site where you can link to your websites or social media. Please help us to keep these up to date and accurate! You can edit the page by visiting your hub page and pressing the 'edit' button, or through the dashboard  ...

Hub - Annual activity checker email & process

As you know keeping group records up to date is a challenge. We have developed an annual 'activity checker' function with funding from Transition Together. We are in the process of enabling this on a per-hub basis so the global figures do not yet represent th...

Hub - Embedding maps on your sites

On this page You will find the code to embed the map for your hub. It is possible to embed a translated version of the map by adding a two letter language code to the link you embed by adding the two letter la...

Hub - API access

There is an API available and several mapping services make use of it. Information can be found here  

Hub data protection agreement

When you sign up as a hub you agree to treat personal data in line with the privacy policy

Hub - Open data

Data submitted to the site, with the exception of personal data is open data  

Hub - Email contactablility of groups

The has several email functions. For example Contact forms for each group The activity checker It logs the success or failure of emails sent from the site in a email deliverability report Please keep an eye on this report to ensure...

Further help


Getting Help


Platform For issues relating to 'platform' Mattermost, Humhub etc please fill out this form Transition Movement domains For issues relating to a website or service on * please fill out this form Vive &  For ...

Guest users

Chat (Mattermost)

In any given team 'guests' from outside of the team can be added to specific channels To do this they first need to have the 'guest' status in the default 'users' team. If they have 'Member' status there they cannot be added as guests to other teams. If you'...

Hub video tour

A quick tour of as a hub user can be found here: Direct link 

Deleting account

Platform (Humhub)

You can delete your account here