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Apps for mobile

Apps for Android and iOS are under development. The Android app can be installed from the Play store

If you use an Android phone you can now get Vive in your pocket, via the HumHub app!

WhenHere’s askedhow enterto 'do it (text and pictures):

  1. Go to the Google Play store and search for HumHub, or click this link -

  1. Install and Open HumHub

  1. Enter the url - asand click Connect

  1. Now to log-in to Vive - click on Sign In/ Up

  1. Click on Transition Platform ID

  1. Enter your Email and Password and Sign In - (if you have any problems click on the serverblue namebutton to request our support)

You’re in! The HumHub app will remember the Vive url and your login details, so just click on the App and click Connect whenever you want to pop by 🙂


The iPhone app will be released soon