Introduction/Warm up
Time: 30 minutes
The first half hour of this process is really important to set the tone, make everyone feel comfortable and break the ice - at least some people won’t know each other.
Introduce yourselves - the team running the sessions.
Give a brief overview of the whole session:
Introductions - where we get to know each other a little.
What Is: Taking Stock - where we will explore together what’s currently happening now in our communities.
What If- creating a vision together for our community.
From What If to What Next - exploring how we make our vision a reality.
Give everyone the opportunity to introduce themselves. How you do this will depend on the size of the group. If it’s small, you can go around and invite each person to share a bit about themselves and why they are coming individually. If the group is quite large, you could just share names and one word to describe how you are feeling today or share more in smaller groups initially.
You could pick one of these questions to break the ice:
Something about themselves (this could be the area they live in if you are doing this in a local community or the organisation they feel most connected to).
Your favourite thing about your place/community.
What you had for breakfast
One thing that excites you about transition