Closing Well
Time: 30 minutes
Close with appreciation (giving everyone time to share what they have appreciated about the time together) and a celebration of what an imaginative bunch you all are and how much you achieved in these sessions!
Recognise that you have come up with a load of great ideas that can be taken forward when you do the visioning exercise with the wider community, as well what you could do now.
You can do a quick go around where you ask everyone to state one thing they have really appreciated about the session and one thing that they found challenging about the process.
Be sure to say something about what will happen to the notes and ideas generated. You may not know exactly what the next steps will be - but let people know if it will be written up or shared in some form, if there will be future meetings or activities to continue the exploration.
Thank everyone for joining in and welcome feedback so you can learn more about how it was for participants and if/how they’d like to continue to be involved.
We’d love to hear about your visioning process, what emerges from it and any feedback so we can improve it in the future. Please drop us a line at